Dobba Don's Struggle: Terry Martins Calls Out Music Promoters for Unequal Support in the Industry-Zimmagazine
Terry Martins Calls out promoters

In a recent social media post, life coach and social media influencer Terry Martins took music promoters to task for what he perceives as unequal support within the music industry, particularly when it comes to artists facing addiction issues. The catalyst for this critique was the emergence of troubling photos of artist Dobba Don engaged in drug use.


Martins, who is known for his motivational content and advocacy for mental health, didn't mince words as he addressed prominent figures in the Zimbabwean music scene, including Passion Java, Tinashe Mutarisi, Nashtvzimbabwe, and Fantan Dweet. He started his post by commending the community's efforts in helping musician Tawanda SaintFloew Mambo, who had been battling drug addiction and received much-needed support.


However, Martins expressed deep concern about the potential disparity in support for artists who are not as widely recognized as Tawanda SaintFloew Mambo. He highlighted the case of Dobba Don, another artist who seems to be grappling with substance abuse issues but might not receive the same level of assistance due to his lower profile.


Terry Martins emphasized the importance of considering the broader consequences of decisions and actions within the music industry. While acknowledging that it's not the sole responsibility of these promoters to help every struggling artist, he urged them to contemplate ways in which they could make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.


The post sheds light on the ongoing struggle of SaintFloew, who has been undergoing drug rehabilitation for nearly a month. It underscores the challenges that many artists face behind the scenes, often hidden from public view, and calls for a more equitable approach to support within the music community.


Terry Martins' outspoken stance on this issue highlights the growing awareness of mental health and addiction problems within the entertainment industry. It serves as a reminder that fame should not be the sole criterion for extending a helping hand to those in need, and that collective efforts are required to ensure the well-being of all artists, regardless of their level of recognition.


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